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Client Barratt London and St George Plc
Turley office London
Status Planning permission granted
LPA London Borough of Camden

Delivering a mixed-use urban quarter in Camden

Our role

  • The site is a high profile strategic site on the edge of Camden Town which will facilitate the wider redevelopment of the Camden Goods Yard framework area.
  • Our Planning team co-ordinated the full planning process, from project inception to the grant of planning permission. Our input included strategy advice, pre-application engagement, supporting the production of an area planning framework and negotiating on the terms of the legal agreement and planning conditions. We built a close relationship with the local authority over the course of the project.
  • Our Heritage & Townscape and Economics teams provided specialist input including at the design development stage and for the Environmental Impact Assessment and planning submission. This included townscape analysis, which informed iterative masterplan options, and assessments of economic benefits and health impacts of the proposals.
  • We initially secured planning permission for the scheme on behalf of Morrisons Plc and Barratt London. We subsequently secured permission for additional residential units as part of an optimisation scheme for St George Plc.


  • Planning permission was secured through a unanimous committee decision and with an officer recommendation for approval.
  • We engaged positively with all key stakeholders during the pre-application and application process to ensure that the redevelopment scheme is contextually
    responsive whilst optimising the development potential of the site.
  • The approved full planning permission will deliver 573 new homes, 40% of which will be affordable, and nearly 40,000 sq m of mixed commercial space. The proposals will deliver a genuinely mixed-use new urban quarter set within extensive public realm which opens up links to the wider area.
  • The redevelopment of this site will be a catalyst for wider improvements to this important area on the edge of Camden Town.
  • The scheme is subject to ongoing pre-application discussions regarding optimisation and implementation.


Project sheet

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