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Outline Permission for 220 dwellings secured on released Green Belt in South Staffordshire

Acting on behalf of Land Fund, Turley is delighted to have secured outline planning permission for 220 dwellings on a ‘released’ Green Belt site in South Staffordshire.

The site, on the western edge of the settlement, had been previously promoted through the council’s Site Allocations Document (SAD) and was identified by the council as their preferred site for Green Belt release in Perton, along with further land to the north (also in Land Fund’s control) as a longer-term safeguarded site for housing.

The release for a minimum of 163 dwellings followed our successful representations to the SAD on behalf of Land Fund. The representations established the site as the most suitable for removal from the Green Belt. Our approach  highlighted the site’s strong defensible boundaries, limited constraints, sustainable location and its availability for development.

An outline planning application was prepared and submitted following detailed discussions with the district and parish councils, and a very well attended public consultation event. This helped the project team identify and address the key issues for local residents as part of the outline planning application submission, alongside securing the parish council’s support for the scheme by understanding their requirements and priorities for additional community facilities in Perton.

Outline Permission for 220 dwellings secured on released Green Belt in South Staffordshire

As well as securing 220 much needed market and affordable housing units, well above the SAD’s stipulated minimum of 163 units, the scheme delivers community allotments, usable public open space, alterations to the highway network and funds to improve existing community facilities within the village. Continual positive engagement with all levels of the community, as well as district and county council officers, has ensured a positive outcome to provide new housing on this greenfield site.

Neal Allcock, Associate Director said:

“We are very pleased to have secured outline planning permission for this site. The development will deliver a much needed boost to the supply of housing in the South Staffordshire area, as well as providing new community facilities in Perton.”

Alongside planning advice, we provided expert sustainability services for the development.

Images courtesy of Node

6 February 2019